Welcome to the ChainBet Testnet

5 min readApr 15, 2022


Welcome to ChainBet’s Testnet ⛓🎲

Play the games and provide feedback to earn the airdrop — help us grow!

Airdrop Rewards for Participating


  • 15k $CHIPS for playing at least two games on the testnet
  • 15k $CHIPS for providing meaningful feedback on the testnet
  • Rewards will be available to claim once per person until the 20th of April
  • You will need to connect your wallet address to your discord ID using the /testnet command

Note: Multiple accounts are forbidden, the team will take actionable steps to ensure a fair airdrop event.

How to Connect to the Testnet and get Tokens to Play

First, we need to connect your Metamask wallet to the Mumbai Testnet Network.

To connect your wallet to Polygon’s Mumbai-Testnet, follow these steps:

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the button “Add Mumbai Network”
  • Once you click the button you will see a Metamask Notification, now click on Approve. You will be directly switched to Polygon’s Mumbai-Testnet now in the network dropdown list. You can now close the dialog.
  • If you are facing any issues, Add the Network Manually (see steps given in the official Polygon docs).

After adding the Mumbai network, get some MATIC tokens at:


From here, paste your wallet address, select submit, and then the MATIC tokens will be in your wallet within 1–2 minutes.

You will now have 0.5 MATIC in your wallet.

Once you have testnet MATIC in your wallet, you will need to claim your testnet tokens. First, head to https://testnet.chainbet.gg/faucet, and connect your wallet (top right).

ChainBet Faucet Page

Next, to claim to your wallet, just click on the tokens you want from the faucet and confirm in Metamask 🤑

Don’t forget to import token addresses so the amount you have is shown in your Metamask!

Available tokens and contract address to play ChainBet games:

  • $USDC : 0xD27d50560E4026c3009AE440F482473454C96a9B
  • $SUB : 0xE4debF5E9A09F21cf43108aA029b82cDb450aB81
  • $POLAR : 0x9BBBA1ECD1523Cf09Ea70c879cc77627D15290d1

Let the Games Begin!

Congratulations on making it this far 🥳 We think it’s time for some fun, don’t you?

Go to https://testnet.chainbet.gg/ to select the game that you want to play.

Currently available games on the testnet:

  • Roulette
  • Dice

How to Play

After collecting your tokens from the Faucet, choose a game to play (Roulette or Dice). It should be intuitive how to play (leave us feedback if it isn’t!), but below are some instructions in case you need them.


Steps to play Roulette:

1) On the homepage, click the roulette game (either from the large graphic or the sidebar).

2) Starting with the “Balance” section under the roulette wheel, click the drop-down menu to choose the token you wish to bet with, check your available balance, and enter the amount you wish to wager.

3) Next, place your bet! You can either choose from Red or Black for a 2x reward or if you’re feeling lucky, Green for a 14x. Place your bet by clicking the button of your choice (red, black, or green), and approving the transaction in Metamask (wait about 10 seconds and your bet will be placed).

4) After placing your bet, you should see your wallet address and the Amount listed below. You can also see how other people are betting too 👀

5) Now all you have to do is wait for Jean Jean to spin the wheel. Bets can only be placed before a round closes and the rewards are distributed at the end of the round.


Steps to play Dice:

1) On the homepage, click the dice game (either from the large graphic or the sidebar).

2) Starting with the “Bet Amount” section on the left, click the drop-down menu to choose the token you wish to bet with, check your available balance, and enter the amount you wish to wager.

3) Next, select the side(s) of the dice you believe will win! The sides you’ve selected will show up as yellow. As you select more or fewer sides, you will see the “Multiplier” and “Profits on Win” payout sections adjust accordingly.

4) When you’re happy with your choices, hit the “Approve” button.

5) Make sure that you approve in MetaMask too! Wait about 10 seconds and your bet will be placed 🥳

How to Link your Wallet to your Discord (To Claim the Airdrop)

Step 1: Join our discord https://discord.gg/chainbet

Step 2: Use the command /testnet and paste your wallet address.

🚨 If you are having trouble with this step, create a #support-ticket! 🚨

Provide Feedback to earn $CHIPS!

To earn the rest of the available $CHIPS — please provide feedback through our form:


Note: Testnet purpose is to showcase the games and check the smart contract’s logic. Your feedback is invaluable to us!

As always, BET responsibly!



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