ChainBet Discord and BET Airdrop

3 min readMar 29, 2022


We are pleased to announce the launch of our community hub Discord! Not only will we be the place to review major announcements, discuss ChainBet play and participate in giveaways but we will be Airdropping free BET tokens just for joining!

Play in Discord, Earn Real BET

Our team has designed and developed custom discord bots with innovative features and reward systems. Interaction and participation will generate “Discord BET” tokens for you. At the end of the contest period, we’ll take a snapshot of how many “Discord BET” tokens you’ve farmed and we’ll Airdrop a 100:1 equivalent amount of our BET launch token on Polygon. In theory, there is no limit to the number of tokens you can receive at the end of the contest. Different ways to earn “Discord BET” tokens will be made available for some great rewards.

We have created playable and bettable games in Discord such as roulette, coinflip, and dice game. You can play these games with your “Discord BET” tokens, with the ability to risk it all for greater rewards!

Spread The Word!

We want the ChainBet Discord to be a place where you and your friends can play together and discuss the newest additions and updates to our betting platform. This is why we’ve developed an invitation system that rewards the virality word of mouth provides. The classic invitation system only takes into account direct guests, which is a poor indicator of the impact you have had on growing the community. If you invite 10 people, but these 10 people alone invite 1000 people, it is only fair that you are rewarded! This is why we’ve taken the time to improve the traditional Discord invitation system and take into account the invitations of people you’ve invited.

Example 1: You invite 2 people, and these 2 people invite one person each. Your total number of guests is not 2, but 4!

Example 2: You invite 5 people, and these 5 people each invite 5 people. Your total number of guests is not 5, but 30!

This offers a chance for every contributor, even those with a small follower base to stay competitive with the biggest influencers. Depending on your number of invites, you will receive BET tokens, which will be distributed at the end of the Airdrop Phase.

The moment you receive the airdrop will depend on when you begin participating.

Roles and Airdrop Phases

The 1st Gen role will be offered to the first 500 people in Discord, the 2nd Gen role will be offered to the next 1500 and the 3rd Gen role will be offered to the remaining Players until the end of the final Airdrop Phase.

Unlike other projects both tokens and NFTs that have no clear point system or require you to spend countless hours spamming Discord just to miss out on a whitelist spot, we ditch that whole system and reward all participants, the ENTIRE ChainBet community.

The “Discord BET” farming period starts on Friday, March 30th at 1 AM UTC and ends 1 month later on the 30th of April at 1AM UTC.


Q: What is the maximum amount of BET tokens I can earn?

A: There is no cap on the number of BET tokens you can earn.

Q: When will I receive my airdrop?

A: Depending on your role, Airdrops will be sent some time after the end of the farming period.

Q: How do I receive BET tokens?

A: For now, by interacting in the Discord!

Q: How can I be “active” in the ChainBet Discord?

  • Participate in topics
  • Like and Retweet Social Media posts announced in Discord
  • Make discussion threads explaining the ChainBet Protocol or other related topics.
  • Play the ChainBet games
  • Spread the word, invite others to the ChainBet Discord

The ChainBet team can’t wait to share this exciting new technology and dApp with everyone and are looking forward to meeting and learning more about you, our community. We’re all very accessible so please, join, discuss, and ask away any questions you might have. All while earning BET tokens!



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